guia completo de: Destrancar portas (até de carros), explosivos (incendiários, correios, granadas, ácido), trapacear os sistemas telefonicos, hacking, conseguir uma nova identidade, etc..pt6

Reclamation of RDX from C-4 Explosives

RDX can be obtained from C-4 explosives with the use of gasoline. It can 
be used as a booster explosive for detonators or as a high explosive charge.

Material Required
C-4 explosive
2 - pint glass jars, wide mouth
Paper towels
Stirring rod (glass or wood)
Ceramic or glass dish
Heat source

NOTE: Water, Ceramic or glass dish, pan, & heat source are all optional. The 
RDX can be air dried instead.


1) Place 1-1/2 teaspoons (15 grams) of C-4 explosive in one of the pint jars. 
Add 1 cup (240 milliliters) of gasoline.

NOTE: These quantities can be increased to obtain more RDX. For example, use 2 
gallons of gasoline per 1 cup of C-4.

2) Knead and stir the C-4 with the rod until the C-4 has broken down into small 
particles. Allow mixture to stand for 1/2 hour.
3) Stir the mixture again until a fine white powder remains on the bottom of 
the jar.
4) Filter the mixture through a paper towel into the other glass jar. Wash the 
particles collected on the paper towel with 1/2 cup (120 milliliters) of 
gasoline. Discard the waste liquid.
5) Place the RDX particles in a glass or ceramic dish. Set the dish in a pan of 
hot water, not boiling and dry for a period of 1 hour.

NOTE: The RDX particles may be air dried for a period of 2 to 3 hours.

Egg-based Gelled Flame Fuels

The white of any bird egg can be used to gel gasoline for use as a 
flame fuel which will adhere to target surfaces.

Materials Required

Parts by
Volume               Ingredient              How used        Common Source
--------             ----------              --------        -------------

85                   Gasoline                Motor Fuel      Gas Stations
                                             Stove Fuel      Motor Vehicle

14                   Egg Whites              Food            Food Store
                                             Industrial      Farms

Any one of the following:

1                    Table Salt              Food            Sea Water
                                             Industrial      Natural Brine
                                               Processes     Food Store

3                    Ground Coffee           Food            Coffee Plant
                                                             Food Store

3                    Dried Tea Leaves        Food            Tea Plant
                                                             Food Store

3                    Cocoa                   Food            Cacao Tree
                                                             Food Store

2                    Sugar                   Sweetening      Sugar Cane
                                               foods         Food Store

1                    Saltpeter               Pyrotechnics    Natural
                     (Potassium              Explosives        Deposits
                     Nitrate)                Matches         Drug Store

1                    Epsom Salts             Medicine        Natural
                                             Mineral Water   Kisserite
                                             Industrial      Drug Store
                                               Processes     Food Store

2                    Washing Soda            Washing Cleaner Food Store
                     (Sal Soda)              Medicine        Drug Store
                                             Photography     Photo Supply

1 1/2                Baking Soda             Baking          Food Store
                                             Manufacturing   Drug Store
                                             of: Beverages

1 1/2                Aspirin                 Medicine        Drug Store
                                                             Food Store


CAUTION: Make sure that ther are no open flames in the area when mixing 
flame fuels! NO SMOKING!!

1) Seperate the egg white from the yolk. This can be done by breaking the 
egg into a dish and carefully removing the yolk with a spoon.
2) Pour egg white into a jar, bottle, or other container, and add gasoline.
3) Add the salt (or other additive) to the mixture and stir occasionally 
until gel forms (about 5 to 10 minutes).

NOTE: A thicker gelled flame fuel can be obtained by putting the capped jar 
in hot (65 degrees Centegrade) water for about 1/2 hour and then letting 
them cool to room temperature. (DO NOT HEAT THE GELLED FUEL CONTAINING 

Clothespin Switch

A spring type clothespin is used to make a circuit closing switch to 
actuate explosive charges, mines, booby traps, and alarm systems.

Material Required:

Spring type clothespin
Sold copper wire -- 1/16 in. (2 mm) in diameter
Strong string on wire
Flat piece of wood (roughly 1/8 x 1" x 2")


1) Strip four in. (10 cm) of insulation from the ends of 2 solid copper 
wires. Scrape the copper wires with pocket knife until the metal is 
2) Wind one scraped wire tightly on jaw of the clothespin, and the other 
wire on the other jaw.
3) Make a hole in one end of the flat piece of wood using a knife, heated 
nail or drill.
4) Tie strong string or wire through the hole.
5) Place flat piece of wood between the jaws of the clothespin switch.

Basic Firing Circuit:

       |              |---------------------------\
       |  initiator   |----------\                |      strong
        --------------               |                |      twine
                                        |                |          \
                                        |               _---------_________
                                        |                ---------
                                        |                 |      \clothespin                                                                                  \                /
                                         \              /         switch
                                          \            /
                                           \          /
                                            \        /
                                             +      -
                                     |        |
                                     | battery|

     When the flat piece of wood is removed by pulling the string, the 
jaws of the clothespin will close, completing the circuit.

CAUTION: Do not attach the battery until the switch and trip wire have 
been emplaced and examined. Be sure that the flat piece of wood is 
seperating the jaws of the switch.

Flexible Plate Switch

This flexible plate switch is used for initiating emplaced mines and 

Material Required:

Two flexible metal sheets
  one approximately 10 in. (25 cm) square
  one approximately 10 in. x 8 in. (20 cm)
Piece of wood 10 in. square x 1 in. thick
Four soft wood blocks 1 in. x 1 in. x 1/4 in.
Eight flat head nails, 1 in. long
Connecting wires
Adhesive tape


1) Nail 10 in. by 8 in. metal sheet to 10 in. square piece of wood so that 
1 in. of wood shows on each side of the metal. Leave one of the nails 
sticking up about 1/4 in.
2) Strip insulation from the end of one connecting wire. Wrap this end 
around the nail and drive the nail all the way in.
3) Place the four wood blocks on the corners of the wood base.
4) Place the 10 in. square flexible metal sheet so that it rests on the 
blocks in line with the wood base.
5) Drive four nails through the metal sheet and the blocks (1 per block) 
to fasten the sheet to the wood base. A second connecting wire is atached 
to one of the nails as in step #2.
6) Wrap the adhesive tape around the edges of the plate and wood base. 
This will assure that no dirt or other foreign matter will get between the 
plates and prevent the switch from operating.

How to use:

The switch is placed in a hole in the path of expected traffic and covered 
with a thin layer of dirt or other camouflaging material. The mine or 
other explosive device connected to the switch can be buried with the 
switch or emplaced elsewhere as desired.

When a vehicle passes over the switch, the two metal plates make contact 
closing the firing circuit.

Delay Igniter from Cigarette

A simple and economical (everyone wants to save money haha) time 
delay can be made with a common cigarette.

Materials Required:

Paper match
String (shoelace or similar cord)
Fuse cord (improvised or commercial)


1) Cut end of fuse cord at a slant to expose inner core
2) Light cigarette in normal fashion. Place a paper match so that the had 
is over exposed exposed end of fuse cord and tie both to the side of the 
burning cigarette with string.
3) Position the burning cigarette with fuse so that it burns freely. A 
suggested method is to hang the delay on a twig.

Note: Common dry cigarettes burn about 1 inch every 7 or 8 minutes in 
still air. (Now I am talking about all except American brands, which burn 
about 1 inch every 4-5 minutes) If the fuse cord is place one inch from 
the burning end of the cigarette a time delay of 7 or 8 minutes will 
      Delay time will vary depending upon type of cigarette, wind, 
moisture, and other atmospherc conditions (get to know your cigarette!)
      To obtain accurate delay time, a test run should be made under 
"use" conditions.

Dried Seed Timer

A time delay device for electrical firing circuits can be made using 
the principle of expansion of dried seeds.

Material Required:

Dried peas, beans, or oter dehydrated seeds
Wide-mouth glass jar with non-metal cap
Two screws or bolts
Thin metal plate
Hand drill

1) Determine the rate of the rise of the dried seeds selected. This is 
necessary to determine the delay time of the timer.
     a) Place a sample of the dried seeds in the jar and cover with 
     b) Measure the time it takes for the seeds to rise a given height. 
        Most dried seeds increase 50% in one to two hours.
2) Cut a disc from thin metal plate. Disc should fit loosely inside the 

NOTE: If metal is painted, rusty, or otherwise coated, it must be scraped 
or sanded to obtain a clean metal surface

3) Drill two holes in the cap of the jar about 2 inches apart. Diameter 
of holes should be such that screws or bolts will thread tightly into 
them. If the jar has a metal cap or no cap, a piece of wood or plastic 
(NOT METAL) can be used as a cover.
4) Turn the two screws or bolts through the holes in the cap. Bolts 
should extend about one in. (2 1/2 cm) into the jar.

IMPORTANT: Both bolts must extend the same distance below the container 

5) Pour dried seeds into the container. The level will depend upon the 
previously measured rise time and the desired delay.
6) Place the metal disc in the jar on top of the seeds.

How to use:

1) Add just enough water to completely cover the seeds and place the cap 
on the jar.
2) Attach connecting wires from the firing circuit to the two screws on 
the cap.

Expansion of the seeds will raise the metal disc until it contacts the 
screws and closes the circuit.

Nail Grenade

Effective fragmentation grenades can be made from a block of tnt or 
other blasting explosive and nails.

Material Required:

Block of TNT or other blasting explosive
Non-electric (military or improvised) blasting cap
Fuse Cord
Tape, string, wire, or glue


1) If an explosive charge other than a standard TNT block is used, make a 
hole in the center of the charge for inserting the blasting cap. TNT can 
be drilled with relative safety. With plastic explosives, a hole can be 
made by pressing a round stick into the center of the charge. The hole 
should be deep enough that the blasting cap is totally within the 
2) Tape, tie, or glue one or two rows of closely packed nails to the 
sides of the explosive block. Nails should completely cover the four 
surfaces of the block.
3) Place blasting cap on one end of the fuse cord and crimp with pliers.

NOTE: To find out how long the fuse cord should be, check the time it 
takes a known length to burn. If 12 inches (30 cm) burns for 30 seconds, 
a 10 second delay will require a 4 inch (10 cm) fuse.

4) Insert the blasting cap in the hole in the block of explosive. Tape or 
tie fuse cord securly in place so that it will not fall out when the 
grenade is thrown.

Alternate Use:

An effective directional anti-personnel mine can be made by placing nails 
on only one side of the explosive block. For thi case, and electric 
blasting cap can be used.

Chemical Fire Bottle

This incendiary bottle is self-igniting on target impact.

      Materials Required
                               How Used               Common Source

      Sulphuric Acid           Storage Batteries      Motor Vehicles
                               Material Processing    Industrial Plants

      Gasoline                 Motor Fuel             Gas Station or
                                                      Motor Vehicles

      Potassium Chlorate       Medicine               Drug Stores

      Sugar                    Sweetening Foods       Food Store

      Glass bottle with stopper (roughly 1 quart size)
      Small Bottle or jar with lid.
      Rag or absorbant paper (paper towels, newspaper)
      String or rubber bands


      1)  Sulphuric  Acid MUST be concentrated. If battery acid or other
      dilute acid is used, concentrate it by boiling until  dense  white
      fumes  are  given  off.  Container  used  to  boil  should  be  of
      enamel-ware or oven glass.

      CAUTION: Sulphuric Acid will burn skin and  destroy  clothing.  If
      any is spilled, wash it away with a large quantity of water. Fumes
      are also VERY dangerous and should not be inhaled.

      2)   Remove  the  acid  from  heat  and  allow  to  cool  to  room

      3) Pour gasoline into the large  (1  quart)  bottle  until  it  is
      approximately 1/3 full.

      4)  Add  concentrated  sulphuric acid to gasoline slowly until the
      bottle is filled to within 1" to 2" from top. Place the stopper on
      the bottle.

      5) Wash the outside of the bottle thoroughly with clear water.

      CAUTION: If this is not done, the fire bottle may be dangerous  to
      handle during use!

      6)  Wrap a clean cloth or several sheets of absorbant paper around
      the outside of the bottle. Tie with string or fasten  with  rubber

      7)  Dissolve 1/2 cup (100 grams) of potassium chlorate and 1/2 cup
      (100 grams) of sugar in one cup (250 cc) of boiling water.

      8) Allow the solution to cool, pour into the small bottle and  cap
      tightly.  The  cooled  solution should be approx. 2/3 crystals and
      1/3 liquid. If there is more than this,  pour  off  excess  before

      CAUTION: Store this bottle seperately from the  other bottle!

      How To Use:

      1)  Shake the small bottle to mix contents and pour onto the cloth
      or paper around the large bottle. Bottle can be used wet or  after
      solution is dried. However, when dry, the sugar-Potassium chlorate
      mixture  is very sensitive to spark or flame and should be handled

      2) Throw or launch the bottle. When the bottle  breaks  against  a
      hard surface (target) the fuel will ignite.

Igniter from Book Matches

This  is  a  hot  igniter made from paper book matches for use
      with molotov cocktail and other incendiaries.

      Material Required:

      Paper book matches
      Adhesive or friction tape


      1) Remove the staple(s) from match book and seperate matches  from

      2) Fold and tape one row of matches (fold in thirds)

      3) Shape the cover into a tube with striking surface on the inside
      and  tape.  Make sure the folder cover will fit tightly around the
      taped match heads. Leave cover open at opposite end for  insertion
      of the matches.

      4)  Push the taped matches into the tube until the bottom ends are
      exposed about 3/4 in. (2 cm)

      5) Flatten and fold the open end of the tube so that it laps  over
      about 1 in. (2-1/2 cm); tape in place.

      Use with a Molotov Cocktail:

      1)  Tape  the  "match  end  tab" of the igniter to the neck of the
      molotov cocktail.

      2) Grasp the "cover and  tab"  and  pull  sharply  or  quickly  to

      General Use:

      The  book  match igniter can be used by itself to ignite flammable
      liquids, fuse cords, and similar items requiring hot ignition.

      CAUTION: Store matches and  completed  igniters  in  moistureproof
      containers  such  as  rubber  or plastic bags until ready for use.
      Damp or wet paper book matches will not ignite.

Red or White Propellant

"Red or White Powder" Propellant may be prepared in a  simple,
      safe  manner.  The  formulation  described  below  will  result in
      approximately 2 1/2  pounds  of  powder.  This  is  a  small  arms
      propellant  and  should  only  be  used  in  weapons  with 1/2 in.
      diameter or less (but not pistols!).

      Material Required:

      Heat Source (Kitchen Stove or open fire)
      2 gallon metal bucket
      Measuring cup (8 ounces)
      Wooden spoon or rubber spatula
      Metal sheet or aluminum foil (at least 18 in. sq.)
      Flat window screen (at least 1 foot square)
      Potassium Nitrate (granulated) 2-1/3 cups
      White sugar (granulated) 2 cups
      Powdered ferric oxide (rust) 1/8 cup (if available)
      Clear water, 1-1/2 cups


      1) Place the sugar, potassium nitrate, and water  in  the  bucket.
      Heat  with  a low flame, stirring occasionally until the sugar and
      potassium nitrate dissolve.

      2) If available, add the ferric  oxide  (rust)  to  the  solution.
      Increase the flame under the mixture until it boils gently.

      NOTE: The mixture will retain the rust coloration.

      3) Stir and scrape the bucket sides occasionally until the mixture
      is  reduced  to  one  quarter  of  its  original volume, then stir

      4) As the water evaporates, the mixture will become thicker  until
      it  reaches the consistency of cooked breakfast cereal or homemade
      fudge. At this stage of thickness, remove the bucket from the heat
      source, and spread the mass on the metal sheet.

      5) While the material cools, score it with a spoon or  spatula  in
      crisscrossed furrows about 1 inch apart.

      6)  Allow the material to dry, preferably in the sun. As it dries,
      resore it accordingly (about every 20 minutes) to aid drying.

      7) When the material has dried to a point  where  it  is moist and
      soft  but  not  sticky to the touch, place a small spoonful on the
      screen. Rub the material back and forth against  the  screen  mesh
      with  spoon  or other flat object until the material is granulated
      into small worm-like particles.

      8) After granulation, return the material to the sun to  allow  to
      dry completely.

Pipe Hand Grenade

Hand  Grenades  can  be  made  from  a piece of iron pipe. The
      filler  can  be  of  plastic  or  granular   military   explosive,
      improvised  explosive,  or  propellant  from shotgun or small arms

      Material Required:

      Iron Pipe, threaded ends, 1-1/2" to 3" diameter, 3" to 8" long.
      Two (2) iron pipe caps
      Explosive or propellant
      Nonelectric blasting cap (Commercial or military)
      Fuse cord
      Hand Drill


      1) Place blasting cap on one end  of  fuse  cord  and  crimp  with

      NOTE: To find out how long the fuse cord should be, check the time
      it takes a known length to burn. If 12 inches burns in 30 seconds,
      a 6 inch cord will ignite the grenade in 15 seconds.

      2)  Screw  pipe  cap  to one end of the pipe. Place fuse cord with
      blasting cap into the opposite end so that  the  blasting  cap  is
      near the center of the pipe.

      NOTE:  If  plastic  explosive  is  to  be  used,  fill pipe BEFORE
      inserting blasting cap. Push a round stick into the center of  the
      explosive to make a hole and then insert the blasting cap.

      3)  Pour explosive or propellant into pipe a little bit at a time.
      Tap the base of the pipe frequently to settle filler.

      4) Drill a hole in the center of  the  unassembled  pipe  caplarge
      enough for the fuse cord to pass through.

      5)  Wipe  pipe  threads  to  remove any filler material. Slide the
      drilled pipe cap over the fuse and screw handtight onto the pipe.

      Ready to go!

High Tech Revenge 2.0
Have you ever wanted a lineman's handset? Surely every phreak has at
least once considered the phun that he could have with one. After searching
unlocked phone company trucks for months, we had an idea. We could build
one. We did, and named it the "Beige Box" simply because that is the color
of ours. 
The beigebox is simply a consumer lineman's handset, which is a 
phone that can be attached to the outside of a person's house.  To 
fabricate a beigebox, follow along.

             ---------Construction and Use---------
The construction is very simple. First you must understand the concept of
the device. In a modular jack, there are four wires. These are red, green,
yellow, and black. For a single line telephone, however, only two matter:
the red (ring) and green (tip). The yellow and the black are not neccessary
for this project. A lineman's handset has two clips on it: the ring and
the tip. Take a modular jack and look at the bottom of it's casing. There
should be a grey jack with four wires  (red, green, yellow & black)
leading out of it. To the end of the red wire attach a red aligator clip.
To the end of the green wire attatch a green aligator clip. The yellow
and black wires can be removed, although I would only set them aside so
that you can use the modular jack in future projects. Now insert your
telephone's modular plug into the modular jack. That's it. This particular
model is nice because it is can be easily made, is inexpensive, uses
common parts that are readily available, is small, is lightweight,
and does not require the destruction of a phone.

             ------------Beige Box Uses------------
There are many uses for a Beige Box. However, before you can use it,
you must know how to attach it to the output device. This device can be
of any of Bell switching apparatus that include germinal sets (i.e.
remote switching centers, bridgin heads, cans, etc.). To open most Bell
Telephone switching apparatus, you must have a 7/16 inch hex driver
(or a good pair of needle nose pliers work also).
This piece of equipment can be picked up at your local hardware store.
With your hex driver (or pliers), turn the security bolt(s) approximately
1/8 of an inch counter-clockwise and open. If your output device is locked,
then you must have some knowledge of destroying and/or picking locks.
However, we have never encountered a locked output device. Once you have
opened your output device, you should see a mass of wires connected to
terminals. On most output devices, the terminals should be labeled "T"
(Tip -- if not labeled, it is usually on the left) and "R" (Ring -- if
not labeled, usually on the right).

Remember: Ring - red - right. The "Three R's" -- a simple way to
remember which is which. Now you must attach all the red alligator clip
(Ring) to the "R" (Ring) terminal.
Attach the green alligator clip (Tip) to the "T" (Tip) terminal.

Note: If instead of a dial tone you hear nothing, adjust the alligator
clips so that they are not touching each other terminals. Also make sure
they are firmly attached. By this time you should hear a dial tone.
Dial ANI to find out the number you are using (you wouldn't want to use
your own). Here are some practicle aplications:

       > Eavesdropping
       > Long distance, static free free fone calls to phriends
       > Dialing direct to Alliance Teleconferencing (also no static)
       > Phucking people over
       > Bothering the operator at little risk to yourself
       > Blue Boxing with greatly reduced chance of getting caught
       > Anything at all you want, since you are on an extension of that line.

To be most effective, first attach the Beige Box then your phone. This
eliminates the static caused by connecting the box, therefore
reducing the potential suspicion of your victim. When eavesdropping,
it is allways best to be neither seen nor heard. If you hear someone
dialing out, do not panic; but rather hang up, wait, and pick up the
receiver again. The person will either have hung up or tried to complete
their call again. If the latter is true, then listen in, and perhaps you
will find information worthy of blackmail! If you would like to know who
you are listening to, after dialing ANI, pull a CN/A on the number.

Dialing Long Distance
This section is self explanitory, but don't forget to dial a "1" before
the NPA.

Dialing Direct to Aliance Teleconferencing
Simply dial 0-700-456-1000 and you will get instructions from there.
I prefer this method over PBX's, since PBX's often have poor reception
and are more dificult to come by.

Phucking People Over
This is a very large topic of discussion. Just by using the other topics
described, you can create a large phone bill for the person (they will
not have to pay for it, but it will be a big hassle for them). In addition,
since you are an extension of the person's line, you can leave your
phone off the hook, and they will not be able to make or receive calls.
This can be extremely nasty because no one would expect the cause
of the problem. 
Bothering the Operator
This is also self explanitary and can provide hours of entertainment.
Simply ask her things that are offensive or you would not like traced
to your line. This also corresponds to the previously described section,
Phucking People Over. After all, guess who's line it gets traced to?
He he he...

Blue Boxing
See a file on Blue Boxing for more details. This is an especially nice
feature if you live in an ESS-equiped prefix, since the calls are, once
again, not traced to your line...

Overuse of the Beige Box may cause suspicians within the Gestapo,
and result in legal problems. Therefor, I would recomend you:

            > Choose a secluded spot to do your Beige Boxing,
            > Use more than one output device
            > Keep a low profile (i.e., do not post under your real
              name on a public BBS concering your occomplishments)
            > In order to make sure the enemy has not been inside your output
              device, I recomend you place a piece of transparent tape over
              the opening of your output device. Therefor, if it is
              opened in your abscence, the tapqe will be displaced and
              you will be aware of the fact that someone has intruded
              on your teritory.

Now, imagine the possibilities:  a $2000 dollar phone bill for 
that special person, 976 numbers galore, even harassing the 
operator at no risk to you!  Think of it as walking into an 
enemies house, and using their phone to your heart's content.

Aqua Box Plans
Every true phreaker lives in fear of the dreadded F.B.I. 'Lock In Trace.'
For a long time, it was impossible to escape from the Lock In Trace.
This box does offer an escape route with simple directions to it.
This box is quite a simple concept, and almost any phreaker with basic
electronics knowledge can construct and use it.

The Lock In Trace
A lock in trace is a device used by the F.B.I. to lock into the phone
users location so that he can not hang up while a trace is in progress.
For those of you who are not familiar with the conecpt of 'locking in',
then here's a brief desciption. The F.B.I. can tap into a conversation,
sort of like a three-way call connection. Then, when they get there,
they can plug electricity into the phone line. All phone connections
are held open by a certain voltage of electricity.
That is why you sometimes get static and faint connections when you are
calling far away, because the electricity has trouble keeping the line
up. What the lock in trace does is cut into the line and generate that same
voltage straight into the lines. That way, when you try and hang up, voltage
is retained. Your phone will ring just like someone was calling you
even after you hang up. (If you have call waiting, you should understand
better about that, for call waiting intersepts the electricity and makes
a tone that means someone is going through your line. Then, it is a matter
of which voltage is higher. When you push down the receiver,then it see-saws
the electricity to the other side. When you have a person on each line
it is impossible to hang up unless one or both of them will hang up.
If you try to hang up, voltage is retained, and your phone will ring.
That should give you an understanding of how calling works. Also, when
electricity passes through a certain point on your phone, the electricity
causes a bell to ring, or on some newer phones an electronic ring to sound.)
So, in order to eliminate the trace, you somehow must lower the
voltage level on your phone line. You should know that every time
someone else picks up the phone line, then the voltage does decrease
a little. In the first steps of planning this out, Xerox suggested getting
about a hundred phones all hooked into the same line that could all
be taken off the hook at the same time. That would greatly decrease the
voltage level. That is also why most three-way connections that are using
the bell service three way calling (which is only $3 a month) become quite
faint after a while. By now, you should understand the basic idea. You
have to drain all of the power out of the line so the voltage can
not be kept up. Rather sudden draining of power could quickly short out
the F.B.I. voltage machine, because it was only built to sustain
the exact voltage nessecary to keep the voltage out. For now, imagine
this. One of the normal Radio Shack generators that you can go
pick up that one end of the cord that hooks into the central box has a 
phone jack on it and the other has an electrical plug. This way, you
can "flash" voltage through the line, but cannot drain it. So, some
modifications have to be done.

A BEOC (Basic Electrical Output Socket), like a small lamp-type
connection, where you just have a simple plug and wire that would plug
into a light bulb.
One of cords mentioned above, if you can't find one then construct your
own... Same voltage connection, but the restrainor must be built in (I.E.
The central box)
Two phone jacks (one for the modem, one for if you are being traced to
plug the aqua box into)
Some creativity and easy work.

*Notice: No phones have to be destroyed/modified to make this box, so
don't go out and buy a new phone for it!

All right, this is a very simple procedure. If you have the BEOC, it could
drain into anything: a radio, or whatever. The purpose of having
that is you are going to suck the voltage out from the phone line into
the electrical appliance so there would be no voltage left to lock
you in with.
1)Take the connection cord. Examine the plug at the end. It should have
only two prongs. If it has three, still, do not fear. Make sure the
electrical appliance is turned off unless you wanna become a crispy critter
while making this thing. Most plugs will have a hard plastic design on the
top of them to prevent you from getting in at the electrical wires inside.
Well, remove it. If you want to keep the plug (I don't see why...)
then just cut the top off. When you look inside, Lo and Behold,
you will see that at the base of the prongs there are a few wires
connecting in. Those wires conduct the power into the appliance.
So, you carefully unwrap those from the sides and pull them out until
they are about an inch ahead of the prongs. If you don't wanna keep the
jack, then just rip the prongs out. If you are, cover the prongs with
insultation tape so they will not connect with the wires when the power
is being drained from the line.
2)Do the same thing with the prongs on the other plug, so you have the
wires evenly connected. Now, wrap the end of the wires around each other.
If you happen to have the other end of the voltage cord hooked into the
phone, stop reading now, you're too fucking stupid to continue. After
you've wrapped the wires around each other, then cover the whole thing with
the plugs with insulating tape. Then, if you built your own control box
or if you bought one, then cram all the wires into it and reclose it.
That box is your ticket out of this.
3)Re-check everything to make sure it's all in place. This is a pretty
flimsy connection, but on later models when you get more experienced at
it then you can solder away at it and form the whole device into one
big box, with some kind of cheap mattel hand-held game inside to be
the power connector.  In order to use it, just keep this box handy.
Plug it into the jack if you want, but it will slightly lower the
voltage so it isn't connected. When you plug it in, if you see sparks,
unplug it and restart the whole thing. But if it just seems fine then leave it.

Now, so you have the whole thing plugged in and all... Do not use this
unless the situation is desperate! When the trace has gone on, don't
panic, unplug your phone, and turn on the appliance that it was hooked
to. It will need energy to turn itself on, and here's a great source...
The voltage to keep a phone line open is pretty small and a simple light
bulb should drain it all in and probably short the F.B.I. computer at
the same time.

Black Box Plans
At any given time, the voltage running through your phone is about 20
Volts. When someone calls you, this voltage goes up to 48 Volts and rings
the bell. When you answer, the voltage goes down to about 10 Volts.
The phone company pays attention to this. When the voltage drops to 10,
they start billing the person who called you.

The Black Box keeps the voltage going through your phone at 36 Volts,
so that it never reaches 10 Volts. The phone company is thus fooled
into thinking you never answered the phone and does not bill the caller.
However, after about a half hour the phone company will get suspicious
and disconnect your line for about 10 seconds.

1 1.8K 1/2 Watt Resistor
1 1.5V LED
1 SPST Switch

(1) Open your phone by loosening the two screws on the bottom and
lifting the case off.
(2) There should be three wires: Red, Green, and Yellow. We'll be working
with the Red Wire.
(3) Connect the following in parallel:
     A. The Resistor and LED.
     B. The SPST Switch.
In other words, you should end up with this:
              (Red Wire)
(Line)-----!              !-----(Phone)
          /\/\/\ = Resistor
          O      = LED
          _/_    = SPST

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